FAI – Futuro All'Impresa

Luigi Maniglio

After working for McKinsey as a management consultant, Luigi has gained over 30 years of experience in M&A and restructuring operations for private companies, operating as Principal for Family Offices and international investors.

Luigi boasts a sectorial specialization in the mechanical industry (packaging, machine tools, iron and steel) but has also gained experience in other sectors (chemistry, hotels, healthcare), in Europe (mainly Italy and Germany, but also Scandinavia, France and the UK), the American continent and Far East Asia.

Among the most relevant projects on which Luigi has worked, a specific mention is to give to Sympak (creation through mergers and acquisitions of a European food processing and packaging group) and FFG Europe & Americas (growth through acquisitions in Europe and the United States of Fair Friend Group, one of Asia’s largest machine tools manufacturer).

Luigi holds a degree in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University in Milan, and holds an MBA from Insead in Fontainebleau.