FAI – Futuro All'Impresa

Guglielmo Ruggeri

Guglielmo started out as an entrepreneur in the High End Fashion Manufacturing sector. Over the course of 25 years, he served as CEO and senior partner to his family-owned Company (Meras SpA), and shareholder and board member to the Swiss Fashion Company Riri Group SA, born from the merger of Riri SA, Meras Spa and Cobrax Spa.

Guglielmo has proven expertise in the automotive and precision mechanics industries, thanks to his former role as CEO in companies in which he was shareholder, such as the Italian company Borroni Powertain. FAI later acquired Borroni as its first club deal.

Currently, apart from being FAI’s CEO since 2008, Guglielmo is a shareholder of the Italian service holding company italianstyleinvest. He also serves as board member to several other companies.

Guglielmo holds a Business and Economics Degree from the University of Brescia.